Softball – Clinics

SJBS offers a variety of clinics throughout the year, applicable to all ages and all skill levels, including specialty clinics targeting pitching and catching.  Clinics we have offered most recently, and expect to continue in the future, are listed below:
Introduction to Softball (K-2nd Grade)
Players will learn the fundamentals of hitting, fielding grounders, and throwing in a fun environment with their peers of similar skill levels. This program is typically offered in January and/or February. Fastpitch Softball Hitting & Fielding Clinics
This clinic focuses on hitting fundamentals and mechanics, as well as some basic infield drills. Our instructors, members of the Summit High School Varsity Softball Team, as well as SHS Alum, will work with athletes on the tee, front toss, soft toss and live pitching and / or pitching machines as available. They will also run through fielding & throwing drills. Participants will be in small groups of 3-5 players and rotate stations during their 60 min session. Players can expect to take hundreds of extra cuts during the winter months and groove their swings ahead of the spring season!  This clinic is typically offered in January.
Fastpitch Softball PITCHING & CATCHING Clinics
Pitching (grades 2-5 only): Clinics are designed for girls new to the position and those with some experience and will focus on proper pitching mechanics. The entire windmill motion will be broken down and taught step by step. Players can expect to finish the clinic with an understanding of how to properly and legally pitch for their teams.

Catching (grades 2-8 only): Clinics will focus on proper technique related to stance/positioning, receiving the ball, blocking the ball, and throwing to bases.

These clinics are held throughout the year.

Travel Player Clinics @ Challenge U.
Challenge U. is an organization of professional softball instructors whose mission is “to enhance the skills of our female athletes by providing them with the tools to unlock their greater potential while raising their level of self-confidence and mental toughness on and off the field.” Register for 2022 Fastpitch Softball Winter Clinics Here FISK-1781

Fastpitch Softball Recreational

Overview Kindergarten 1st & 2nd Grade 3rd & 4th Grade 5th & 6th Grade 7th & 8th Grade Overview

The Summit Fastpitch Softball Recreational program strives to teach our players the fundamentals of fastpitch softball, provide them with an opportunity to practice and develop their skills, and help them learn good sportsmanship while having a positive, enjoyable experience as a participant.  

This Recreational League is open to girls in Kindergarten through Grade 8 who reside in Summit, NJ. Leagues are run during the Spring season typically between March and June.

Team Practices usually start in late March with games running from April to the end of the school year (early June).  

New softball players are welcome in all divisions as this is an instructional and recreational program, yet competitive enough for all players in Summit.  

Generally speaking, the recreational program aims to:

  • Teach each player the fundamentals of the game
  • Create an environment where softball skill can be developed in conjunction with good sportsmanship and personal integrity
  • Connect and introduce players from different parts of town, establishing new friendships
  • Help as many players as possible develop a passion for the game of softball

Season: Mid March – Mid June. Practices are generally once per week plus 1-2 games per week, depending on the age group.

Eligibility: Summit residents from K through 8th grade

New softball players are welcome in all divisions as this is an instructional and recreational program, yet competitive enough for all players in Summit.  


New for 2021!  The Kindergarten Recreational Fastpitch Softball Academy & T-Ball League emphasizes fun, participation, and familiarization with the game.  In this league, there is no pitching and all balls are hit off of a tee. 

The focus of the season will be on teaching the basics of the game and fundamental skills.  This is the “Academy” part of the equation. Typically there will be one practice per week with additional skills clinics offered throughout the season for our youngest softball players.  

The focus of this program is on the Academy, but because players like to play games and because we want to teach gameplay in addition to fundamental skills, there will be a limited game schedule of 6-8 games for the season. Games will usually be on Saturday mornings. 

In gameplay, all players will play all positions in the field and will rotate weekly through different batting orders.  Moving players in the field increases the likelihood of having a ball hit to them as well as increasing their knowledge of the game.  The goal for fielding at this level is to either make the out at first base or to make a force play at second or third base.  The goal for hitting is to put the ball in play and understand basic base running responsibilities. Innings will change only after all players have batted, regardless of outs or runs recorded. 

Players will be introduced to: 

  • Basic throwing and catching mechanics
  • Basic batting mechanics
  • Hitting the ball off of a tee
  • The basics of base running
  • Understanding the concept of being on a team
  • Listening
  • Sportsmanship

Players will be provided with a team jersey, belt, and socks. 


1st & 2nd Grade

The Softball Instructional League is for fastpitch softball players in 1st and 2nd grades.  The emphasis is on fun, participation, and familiarization with the game. The League Director will build teams based primarily on school and grade, ensuring to the extent possible that no player is on a team that does not have at least one other player from their school and grade on the same team (this is not guaranteed as it is not always possible).  Teams will be built to have roughly the same number of 1st and 2nd graders on each team to create a balanced league. 

Teams will practice once per week during the week and have an 8-10 game schedule. Games are typically on Saturday mornings. 

In gameplay, this league is coach pitch with tee relief (Coach will pitch 6 hittable pitches to the batter. If the batter is successful in putting the ball in play, the game continues. If the batter does not put the ball in play after 6 pitches, they will hit off of a tee).  Coaches will change the batting orders from game to game and will rotate players among positions in the field during gameplay.  Games will be played with 3 outs or 5 run maximum per half-inning, in order to keep the game moving. 

Players will learn

  • Basic throwing and catching mechanics
  • Basic batting mechanics
  • How to hit a pitched ball
  • Basic base running
  • Field positions and basic situational plays
  • Understanding the concept of being on a team

The big difference between T-ball and Instructional is that players will be hitting pitched balls and games will be played mostly according to 8U rules and as actual games. 

Even though they won’t be pitching in games yet, players will also be invited and encouraged to learn fastpitch softball pitching and catching at specialized clinics offered throughout the spring rec season. The cost of these clinics is included in registration fees. 

Players will be provided with a team jersey, belt, and socks. 


3rd & 4th Grade

The Softball Minor League is for fastpitch softball players in 3rd and 4th grades.  The emphasis is on fun, participation, and familiarization with the game.  The League Director will build teams based primarily on school and grade, ensuring to the extent possible that no player is on a team that does not have at least one other player from their school and grade on the same team (this is not guaranteed as it is not always possible).  Teams will be built to have roughly the same number of 3rd and 4th graders on each team and travel players will be spread out among the league, in order to create balanced teams. 

An emphasis will be placed on proper mechanics, learning and playing all field positions, sportsmanship, and fun!

Teams will practice once per week during the week and have an 8-10 game schedule. Games are typically on weeknights and/or Saturday mornings. 

In gameplay, this league is player pitch with coach relief (Players will pitch as a normal game would dictate. Batters can strike out or put the ball in play, but batters cannot walk. If a player pitcher gets to 4 balls on a batter, the coach will come in to finish pitching for that player at bat. The Batter will either strike out or put the ball in play when facing the coach relief pitcher. The player pitcher will then return to pitch to the next batter and the process continues).  Coaches will change the batting orders from game to game and will rotate players among positions in the field during gameplay.  Games will be played with 3 outs or 5 run maximum per half-inning in order to keep the game moving. 

Players will learn

  • Development of throwing and catching mechanics 
  • Focus on more advanced fielding techniques
  • Basic and more advanced situational plays
  • Fundamentals of pitching and catching
  • Development of intermediate base running skills and strategies

The big difference between the Instructional League and Minor League is that players will be pitching and batters will be hitting off of player pitched balls.  This is a major shift for players for both those that choose to learn and pursue pitching, as well as all players at the plate, as they learn how to time the pitch from a player and understand plate discipline as it relates to the strike zone. 

All players will be invited and encouraged to learn fastpitch pitching and catching at specialized clinics offered throughout the spring rec season. The cost of these clinics is included in registration fees. 

Players will be provided with a team jersey, belt, and socks. 

Please review the Softball 3-4 League Rules (Full Version) and Softball 3-4 League Rules (Shortened Version).


5th & 6th Grade

The Softball Major League is for fastpitch softball players in 5th and 6th grades.  The League Director will coordinate a draft of players by skill level in order to ensure as evenly balanced teams as possible.  

Teams will practice once per week, plus Tri-Town League games.

Tri-Town League:  While the emphasis remains on fun, participation, and familiarization with the game, gameplay opportunities expand with the introduction of the Tri-Town League, which is a consortium of same aged teams from Summit, Chatham, and Madison.  There will be a 10-12 game regular season schedule plus playoffs. Teams will have approximately 6 home games in Summit and 6 away games in our neighboring towns. Games are typically on weeknights and/or Saturdays. The competition level is still appropriate for all skill levels as all township programs in the Tri-Town League are recreational programs. 

In gameplay, this league is player pitch using modified USA softball rules.  Coaches will change the batting orders from game to game and will rotate players among positions in the field during gameplay. 

The big difference between Minor League and Major League is that there is no coach relief for pitchers, batters can earn a base on balls, and the dropped 3rd strike rule is in play, making catchers a significant and meaningful position during gameplay.  

Players will be provided with a team jersey, belt, and socks. 


7th & 8th Grade

The Softball Senior League is for fastpitch softball players in 7th and 8th grades.  The League Director will coordinate a draft of players by skill level in order to ensure as evenly balanced teams as possible.  

Teams will practice once per week, plus Tri-Town League games.

Tri-Town League:  While the emphasis remains on fun, participation, and familiarization with the game, gameplay opportunities expand with the introduction of the Tri-Town League, which is a consortium of same aged teams from Summit, Chatham, and Madison.  There will be a 10-12 game regular season schedule plus playoffs. Teams will have approximately 6 home games in Summit and 6 away games in our neighboring towns. Games are typically on weeknights and/or Saturdays. The competition level is still appropriate for all skill levels as all township programs in the Tri-Town League are recreational programs. 

In gameplay, this league is player pitch using modified USA softball rules.  Coaches will change the batting orders from game to game and will rotate players among positions in the field during gameplay. 

The big difference between Major League and Senior League is that there are no restrictions on base stealing. The game is played with rules similar to middle school and high school softball (meaning USA softball rules with very few modifications). 

Players will be provided with a team jersey, belt, and socks. 


Register for Spring 2022 Rec Softball


(Coming Soon)

Fastpitch Softball Travel

Overview Leagues Seasons Eligibility Overview

The mission of the Summit Fastpitch Softball Travel program is to provide an environment and a culture that instills the values of hard work, commitment, and sportsmanship while providing a higher level of competition for avid softball players.  Players develop softball skills, game IQ, confidence, and leadership abilities while competing against similar teams in the North / Central NJ area. Most away games are 15-30  minutes from Summit, with a handful slightly further. 


Historically our teams have played in the USA Softball District 2 League for all seasons. 


Spring, Summer, and Fall


Any softball player that resides in the City of Summit, NJ, and is 14 years old (or younger) as of December 31st of the prior calendar year. 
